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I kill judges before, back at home, that is. So you have until tomorrow to tell us where girl is, or we kill you and your family," the man said as he holstered the pistol and walked away.I watched the man climb into a black Chevy Suburban and take off. Yanking the camera out of my purse, I flicked it on, and let it record the license plate of the car as long as it was insight. Shutting the camera off, I leaned back in the seat, and felt pain shoot throughout my body.MathewI turned the blinker. "It's going to take time to do all of this correctly," Sean told him. "We'll start with our houses and the plant. We'll do the Stuarts and our other employees next. What we need from you is a prioritized list of the stores and other locations to be warded," Sean finished."That will require some thinking," Dad told us."The Denver store is a priority," I told him."Yes, and the Boston Council. I'll need to get with them on what they consider priority locations. We're talking a good bit of time and. ‘Hello Mike? I am fine. Yes, I know that I haven’t called. No, my cell didn’t die. Yes, I know I should have called…’ On and on it went for about ten minutes. Mike haranguing me endlessly and me answering quietly. Steve had left after the first few to give me privacy, I suppose, my heart sinking at the implications. Finally I was able to hang up and went looking for Steve. I found him on the deck. My approach muffled by my bare feet. I touched his arm. ‘I am so sorry. The network, my editors. I was in a bit of a drunken state of shock. I just stood there and watched hoping they would not notice me staring at them. Suddenly, without warning, the girls looked back and noticed me standing alone a few feet away from them.The blonde turned her head towards me and said, "We are so sorry, we didn't realise you were here.” They moved to the side and they turned to face me. I could not help myself stare at one of the girls; her tits were huge for a girl with such a petite figure."Come over.
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