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"Your words, General, were that we are all family. Besides, live or die, Kimpo and Beorn CHOSE to fight together this way.?"I will honor them." As I watched the group surrounding Kimpo closing in tighter, a thought occurred to me. "Mages! Start knocking down those warriors in front of Kimpo! Stack them like cordwood!" He's not going to like that!" Donatelo observed. "He wants to be the Hero. He doesn't want to be rescued." Tough. Rowann is waiting out there with the rest of her army." I watched. My body tenses, I can feel Rachel’s fingers now penetrating my sultry wetness, I feel my muscles contract and gripping Rachel’s fingers. I am trying to keep them impaled in my pussy. Much to my chagrin I relax my grip on Rachel’s fingers and she slowly exits the opening of my vagina. Her fingers glisten from my fresh wet essence. I can see how wet her fingers are because I know I am soaked. My pussy nectar is trickling down my thighs. I can feel Rachel’s hot breath on my vulva. Rachel’s rich. Holy hell!” We walked out and went back into the room to talk to the guy. “We’ll do it.” “Okay, follow me girls.” We followed the guy down a long corridor into another room. We got there and there were six men. “Okay ladies, again I will put the money on the table. You’ll each get two thousand dollars each. You just need to have sex with these men. Three men will be with Lucy and the other three men will be with Linda. At the end of this gang bang, they will all jerk off on your bodies.” . " Bill said pushing me towards her. I knelt down at Jills feet. "Are you a virgin I hope?" She whispered as she pulled me on top of her. "Yes" I whsipered back. She smiled real big and gave me a big kiss. Jill then took my cock with and guided it into her sweet pussy. It was wet and tight and my cock slid easily into her. When I was in as far as I could go I paused, enjoying the feel of her. Then I started to slow fuck her trying not to cum to quickly. "I love the way your cock feels inside.
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