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"Present Cassie's heart thumps and despairs. What should be a well-known memory is playing out as if for the first time, like someone else's memory plundered by her Gift."The what?" younger Cassie says. "You want it back? But..." Another pause, her fingers sliding up and down the door frame. She takes half a step back. "Will you keep it safe? You said it was important to keep things like that safe."Present Cassie edges closer to her past self, her eyes still staring into the blackness. It. Lucy asked, “What? Is it some sort of news?”“Yeah. Thanks, Chief. This is good news.” I turned to Lucy and Emily. “Their radio operator spoke with Eureka Control, who caught up with Marie. Then, they spoke again. Marie is fine, there has been no excitement around my home, and my daughter and older son and their families are with her. I suppose that it’s a good thing I kept buying canned food, just as if I still had three hungry teenagers in the house! My backlog of canned soup and canned ham,. We had already said it, and we were really close. I know that it all sounds cliche and what not, but I really did love him.Things were looking up, I think.I showered, and blow dried my hair. I dug around in my closet for a bit, trying to find an outfit."I give up," I mutter"Hey," he said, looking up as I came marching in. He had just gotten out of the shower, and was doing his hair. Our hair was always a good feature of our family."What do I wear?" I asked him, slipping on the bathroom counter. As I approached her, Mom raised her arms and held the sides of the doorway.“You have to stand up straight and hold your arms out to the side,” I instructed, my trainee voice sounding authoritative.“Oh,” Mom said, backing away into the middle of the kitchen, her arms stretching out level with her shoulders.I stepped up to her. “Stay still,” I said.Mom nodded and I placed my hands on the top of her shoulders, then ran them out to her hands, around her wrists and back underneath to her armpits..
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