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Therehad always been speculation among fans that the reason Lacey Cooper wasso secretive was that the books were very loosely based on her real life.I guess Davis decided to use that as inspiration. I really should havediscussed this more with him and told him what I wanted to look like.I stood and let the sheets fall away. Suddenly I felt dizzy, likesomething was wrong. My stomach churned a little and I tried to figureout what it was. It soon came to me. Everything seemed bigger. It waslike. The band was tuning up and I looked at all of the young ladies in their gowns. I looked over to where the chaperones were gathered. I remembered Mrs. Rosenburg, one of my math teachers. As all women do, Ginger and her friends headed to the powder room, leaving me at the punch table.Benny and I stood there, just waiting for our dates to return. "Peter Brown?" Hello Mrs. Rosenburg." Peter, are you here as a chaperone or as a teacher? The crowd is so big I didn't see you come in." Neither. I'm. We danced and while dancing i placed my hand around her waist and pulled her closer. I felt her waist folds. I felt bulge in my pants too. Abhi was dead drunk so was shivam. Others were busy among themselves. I could feel kavya was getting high and that someone should drop her back. But she was drunk so we cant drop her at hostel.My friend ankur and his girlfriend priya had planned to stay together at night at ankur’s place as priya was drunk too. I asked ankur that let kavya and her roommate. We should probably be getting to class, what do you say?” “What do you say?” Who even are you? Who talks like that?” Still, she got up and departed the lunchroom with me, walking silently side by side to our shared math class. I had no way of knowing, and was a little too preoccupied to care, that she sat next to me during that class planning on giving away her virginity that night. I was lost in thought wondering about that missing video.*****Rachel*****“You have a TV in your bedroom still,.
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