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I heard movement, it was a few momenets before I was aware somebody was next to the sofabed on my right, it was still dark outside but was at the stage of starting to get lighter outside, Sarah was facing me, I looked at her, she moved slightly closer and whispered in my ear, ‘You awake’, ‘YES why’, ‘Can I do something dirty to you’, Not quite awake I answered ‘Yes’, I felt my duvet move so I moved over to the edge of the bed, her hand slipped inside my boxers and her tiny hand gripped my. That is so way, way cute", I thought.Something really funny happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I had justfinished getting myself off by using the breast pump and I noticed thatthere appeared to be a tiny amount of white liquid in the plastic milkcollection container. I looked at the nipple that I had just removed thepump from and it looked like the tip of the nipple was just a little..... well, wet - or something. "Oh wowsie!" I thought, "I wonder if allthis pumping is making my breasts. The money would have been Cherry’s anyway but I’m getting my stuff back as soon as I get out of here!”“Already did. I know how you are. They’re in your truck, which has a few dings you’re probably not going to be happy about and the inside’s trashed, but that could have been your doing. At least I got that back too. Your girlfriend’s sister was driving it. She said she thought you didn’t want it anymore. I had a hell of a time tracking her down too. Only found her by accident when I was at the. Cristy was slightly upset and agreed to go up with our friendly dancer for her next set. I think this was a move to get her off of me as I was enjoying myself too much. I was surprised to hear that she was going to dance on stage. I told her, "Don't hold anything back babe. Entertain the audience and show off that hot body of yours. You know I love it when you act like a slut," and gave her a kiss. The dancer was really excited and took her back to get creamed up so her skin would be smooth..
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