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They closed the doors and showered afterwards. Carmen and my daughter joined them and I heard all of the giggling going on.Last night they had been drinking but that morning they were all sober. After they dried off they all came into my bedroom. Carmen said, “You still have a hard-on, I’m the only non-virgin here, and they want to see what sex is all about. So you have to fuck me.”I was shocked but I really needed relief so I let her lie on my bed and I lifted her legs up in the air and I. I'd rather take a shower with someone; the feeling of having another body next to mine, naked, under a warm spray of water, is beyond words. It does not matter if it is a man's body or a woman's, the feeling, though different in play, is still rewarding. Tonight will be mine alone because that is the way I want it. I am looking forward to roaming my hands all over my body as I feel my fever steadily rise, putting off the inevitable for as long as I can, then releasing my flood the same time my. They shared a bottle of white wine with the roast chicken and baked vegetables Jill had cooked and after dinner sat cuddling on the lounge watching a DVD. Jill loved being in Dave's arms, his hands gently cupping her breasts, just holding her.When the movie was over, although it was only 9 pm, Jill stood up conscious of their early start tomorrow and said "come to bed my darling and make love to me please."Dave was sensitive to this her first night without Peter and was careful to make tender. Although the bathtub seemed to call her, she decided a shower would be better, and stripped off all her clothes. She released her curly mane. Her hair was the colour of burnished copper, which beautifully suited her green eyes. She adjusted the water's temperature, and she took a very long, relaxing, shower. When she was done, she wrapped herself in a huge, soft towel and went back to the bedroom. She picked up her belongings and looked for her hairbrush and she sat at the comber table,.
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