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Viewpoints differ as everyone knows, but I saw it in a totally different way being the recipient of the act of apparent revenge on both their parts. As I turn off the water and climb from the tub I dried off, step to the doorway into the bedroom and sees Sally standing by the window. Her coat is off; her halter so skimpy I can see all of her back, the graceful shape of her ass covered only by the sexy white short shorts, lush flesh fills my eyes…again my arousal begins with hope filling. His deep voice broke the silence and Alison’s eyes slowly wandered up, following the toned lines of his body.She raised her hand shield her eyes. As if the sun was blocking her hearing. “Excuse me” she said. Her blue eyes locked with his soft, rich brown eyes. She knew he had said something but was still in a hazy and the glare from sun behind him seemed to darken his tone and make his appearance more surreal.“Is it safe here?” he asked.“What?” was Alison’s confused response.“Is it safe to swim. He had no intention of taking her virginity yetthough. That was something special and was going to wait. He was however goingto get started on some other things. He took her hand and led her to thebedroom. ?Ok Arial, I?m going to beat you. I don?t have much here because thiswas rather spur of the moment so I?m going to use my belt. Take off all yourclothes and bend over the footboard of the bed.? Arial took a deep breath. She couldn?t believe what washappening. She slowly removed her dress.. In Bea's final year of high school, his friends started pestering and taunting him for hanging out with the girl who was arguably every boy's secret desire. Bea was never the most beautiful girl in school. There were a number of other girls who were much prettier than she was, but that didn't mean she was ugly either. She had long, dirty-blonde hair coming all the way down to the middle of her back and her entire body was tanned a beautiful bronxe from spending hours in the sun each day. This.
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