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‘How long have you got, Jay?’ Emma asked me as we left the office. ‘Oh, I probably don’t need to get back to Bishopsdown for a couple of hours.’ ‘Why don’t we use the time for the weekly team meeting?’ She suggested to Maggie who nodded agreement, ‘I’ll find Jack, Josie and Grace and we can all have breakfast together.’ My sister had changed from being a total slob to one of the most dynamically organised people I knew in just a few months. Maggie and I commandeered one of the larger tables in. "I let Ben's dick back into my mouth. It was growing larger and the head of it went to the back of my throat. He pulled the shaft out until the head was left at the front of my mouth. "Lick the head, tongue-fuck my pee hole, and you better taste it and enjoy it."I submitted to his commands. I licked every part of his dick head, the crown, the flange, the cum vein, and the shaft. I developed a taste for each part, and learned to tease each part, blowing my breath on it to tease it and make it. Stretching them and pulling them, and then he slipped a gloved finger inside of my opening. I began to realize he wasn’t just fingering my lips; he was rubbing something on them. I began to feel a warm but numb feeling. The music in the living room was on a very slow and sensual song at this point and I had my eyes closed enjoying the feelings and sensations when I suddenly felt a sharp pain starting in my labia but quickly spreading to my stomach. My eyes shot open and I was stunned. My ?ouch?. Neither Fred nor Lukeneeded to know the truth. Lori would get punished and Luke would hold theaccident against his sister. Lori has learned her lesson, so no need forany more bad consequences to happen to her daughter. Being grounded andnot going to the bike park today was more than enough of a punishment.Lastly, Lori was truly sorry, she was making restitution by wanting tomake sure Luke got her piece of cake."My baby girl, you will be having that cake. You did nothing wrong. Ishould have come.
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