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She smiles and everything stands still. She starts to speak, and I gently shake my head and my eyes tell her just to relax and look at me. She understands and our eyes talk to each other in an unexplainable way. I slowly move my lips to hers, and ever so softly touch her lips with mine. There is little moisture and I quietly move my lips around hers. I move slowly to her cheek and rub my lips on her skin so softly, not kissing just feeling her face with my lips. Our eyes stay locked and her. I liked his fantasy so I would rewrite it to you with much spice. I will make sure you get the complete essence of the story.Hi readers this my third story here. This is gonna be different and based on my fantasies. The story will proceed in parts and each part will be into one category of sex like couple, group etc. It may contain incest also…Ladies and gentleman anyone can chat with me. Catch me at my email. Please share your feedback or discussion or anything you want to talk email me at:. ’ Cliff hung up and called the airline. He booked the next flight to Denver which arrived around 11:00 AM. He called Robin back and gave her the information. She said she would be waiting for him. On the flight to Denver he thought about Robin. She was not sexy or alluring. She was attractive and fit. He still remembered the first time he met with her. She was wearing tight tan denim slacks that showed off her curvy bottom and she had small breasts. She was 5’7′ and weighed a fit 130 pounds.. ‘Ahhhhh........mmmm Harry,’ groaned Ginny seductively as he felt a gush of her warm pussy juices coat his finger in her pussy. Harry quickly removed his finger and licked it clean, savouring the sweet taste of her juices on her tongue. Harry continued to suck on Ginny’s pink clit as he slipped two fingers into her pussy. For a few more minutes, Harry carried on this fashion until Ginny brought Harry to his feet.‘I want you in me now Harry,’ begged Ginny as she gave Harry another lust filled.
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