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I liked maneuvering people into doing my will. I may have liked Amanda's attitude but only because it leads to results, and I didn't want to be on the receiving end of her fury."Now I have a life to get to, so your punishment will begin now. I want you to strip naked for me and these fine gentlemen." What kind of shit is this?" I said as I stripped off my clothing."This is me enjoying myself after you made me waste hours of my time to try to find where the $60,000 went. Now you are going to. It's called an ankh, isn't it?" A what?!" Debby cried. Cassie gasped in surprise as Debby snatched the book from Ned. "Where?!"Ned extended a slender finger towards the bottom left page. There, inside the loop of a letter "g" stood a tiny cross with a loop at the top.Debby swallowed hard. "Oh great Goddess..." An ankh?" Richie said in confusion. "Isn't that some sorta Egyptian shit? What's that got to do with this?" What is it, Mrs. Radson?" Cassie cried out in alarm.Debby turned to the table. His father had unlocked the passages for him and the young priest and ordered them to hide. He had watched his parents’ murders and then slipped away like a ghost down this very corridor. He had not dared to light a candle that day for fear of Wilhelm’s soldiers finding him. He had led Father Dervin past the places he and Elena used to create mischief and to an underground cellar near the vaults. The chamberlain had been shocked to see Joseph and the priest appear as if from the mist.Joseph had. She came closer and hugged me. My head was in her shoulder. She was rubbing her soft hands on my back and her skins smell aroused me further. I came closer n felt her frontal body on my chest. We stopped the hug. And sat properly n she kept her left hand on right thigh. My dick got stiff. She was looking towards me n I faced down. She switched on the TV. And with the left hand she massaged my thighs. My dick was erect and my eyes closed, head faced up. I let a moan Aaahhh Maam came closer n.
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