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But then Ms. Monroe wiggled her toes back and forth impatiently, crimson jewels beneath black nylon, and my old self vanished with neither a sigh or a whisper.Leaning forward, I touched my lips to her sole, a tentative, probing kiss like the first taste of adolescent love. The flavor of her filled my being, rich and warm, the essence of woman, and my body demanded more. I kissed her again, flicking my tongue across her nylon covered flesh, sampling her like a fine wine. Each taste made me. She asked me only seeing or some thing more? I said no only seeing. She laughed and said who had bandaged you. Try yourself to see it. I untied her shilwar knot and slide her shilwar little down toward her thighs, she spread her thighs and I saw her cunt. He cunt was too big and just was like a fat mouse. I put my hand on her cunt and started rubbing it; she was moaning continuously and was taking heavy breath. I was rubbing her cunt and sucking her tit while she had caught my cock and shaking. Sie wurde nervös. Ihre Hände und Knie begannen leicht zu zittern. Erlauben Sie mal! Das ist eine Damentoilette sagte sie brüskiert. Ganz langsam öffnete sie die Verriegelung der Toilette und öffnete die Tür.Vor ihr stand eine Schwarzer Mann von schätzungsweise 40 Jahren. Er trug eine schwarze Lederjacke und Jeans und musterte sie von oben bis unten. Was wollen sie hier? Sehen sie nicht, dass das hier die Damentoilette ist? Doch, entschuldigen sie, aber ich habe sie beobachtet. Ich bin hier. "I took your virginity and you belong to me now for the rest of your life" and I slid all the way into her. Sis cried as we had sex but I knew she wanted this, my new self told me, I knew things now. I fucked sis like a little whore, she was my whore now and forever my little sex slave.As I fucked my older sister I heard my own voice ask "who owns you now, forever, who's cunt are you?" and she whispered back in shock "I belong to you, I'm your cunt to use, abuse and fuck" and I kissed her as my.
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