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I don't understand this. He promised me I'd always be his!"You are mine!"The body was jerked off her and thrown out of her grasp. She cried out and reached for it. She crawled after it, her need for her mate making her oblivious to anything other than the urgency to reclaim what was hers."Mine!" She crouched on the bed and lunged at the man who'd jerked the heavy body off her then thrown it on the floor.Bas'awn grunted as he caught the weight of his mate with ease. It was obvious to everyone. Perhaps it was the steel collar that she wore 24/7. Perhaps it was the criss-cross of scars on her back that told tales of her sessions with his whip. But the authorities were angry.U.S. Marshal's office, Hartford, CTU.S. Marshal Robert Lonzo was updating his laptop and smart phone with the latest feeds from the surveillance device for several people, one of which was John Worth. He and his partner were closing the office in anticipation of the impending hurricane. Lonzo was a slightly. He released his grip on my hair pushing me down over the table, knocking the dishes to the floor. His hand made their way to my ass where they grabbed each cheek forcefully. I could feel his body press up against mine. Pulling me back up by my hair, he slid both hands around to the front of the shirt where he began to unbutton it. “You look so fucking sexy in my shirt.” He didn’t get to the bottom before he ripped it open. “You’re gonna be my little whore aren’t you?” he asked me. I didn’t. .
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