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Marshall remembered to includenapkins. Then he took everything to his wife. The mortified husbandsank into a deep squat to set it in front of her. She poured one mugand gave it to Gerd, than filled another for herself. They addedwhatever else they wanted, sipped, and set aside their mugs. Thecookies remained untouched."All right," said Hanna. "Strip down, Missay." She left a lot ofspace between the halves of his girly name. "Then take the plate andstand in the middle of the room."He. The sensation of her own fingers, combined with the sense of blindfolded disorientation, was too much for Sandy. Her knees buckled and she stumbled forward. Stumbled into someone. A hard-muscled, apparently naked male body blocked her fall. Then a pair of strong hands seized her by the arms and pushed her back. She struggled for balance and as she did so, her hands swept against more bare male chests on either side of her. And there was someone behind as well. She gasped sharply as she sensed. Even before she came down from her climax I turned her on her hands and knees so that we were both facing the camera, and rammed my cock up her pussy. She was surprisingly tight and nice to fuck, particularly with her big tits slapping into each other as I banged her hard. I especially liked squeezing her ass because it looked even bigger and rounder now that she was naked, and it had no blotches, pimples or other aesthetically undesirable features. We had a nice almost simultaneous orgasm. I. It felt so goodthe all of the sudden I saw a flash of light and I turned to see Meganstanding with her digital camera in the doorway. In all of my enjoyment Imust not have heard the door open. I was petrified to see her standingthere. She just smiled a mischievous grin "Are you enjoying yourself?" she asked "It sure looks like you are."I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to explain myself. I hadbeen caught. "Do you do this often, wearing my panties when I am not around?" Baby, I can.
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