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But I didn’t have time to dwell on it.The crews had cleaned the furniture out of the second floor of the Horsey House yesterday. Today Bob’s Construction was touching up the rooms on the first floor where they had expanded the offices for Andy and the rest of his anticipated group.All one hundred rooms were going to be offices or records storage. We had the Black Bear office problem solved and it was a good thing. Baltimore Office Supply was delivering the cubicles today with installers to. "Unless he's shooting blanks, she's right," said Sophie."I hope he's not," said Emily."You want to get pregnant?" Sophie asked her."Yes." Before with your two ex's..." I took the pill earlier in my life after Sarah. Later I had the asshole Brian wear condoms. I'm fertile now." He's the one, hunh?" Yes. I only wish..." What my love." Never mind." Tell me." It wouldn't work." Emily!" I want you too, Goddamnit!"She hugged the slippery wet body of her lover and cried.Sophie kissed Emily's ear and. Maybe it’s a middle-aged man who works down in the sewers fixing pipes and wading through… well… you know. These people have a lot to complain about and you think to yourself, “wow, their life must really suck”.So why are they always so damn happy? Never without a grin, always giving an enthusiastic wave and a “how do ya do” no matter what time of the day and no matter what day of the week. Life consistently gives them the shaft and yet they carry on like every day is the best damn day of their. When I was in the Army, they discovered I had a knack for analyzing data. So I was assigned to the Intelligence section of that branch of service. That was where my real abilities came to the surface. And with those abilities came a visit from the CIA. They offered me a contract job at mega bucks, with the requirement that I not tell anyone what I did.Well I'd be a fool to pass the offer up, and I became a "spook".They set it up that I was working for a front company and trained me how to hack.
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