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"I don't blame you sweetie," she said. "He is quite a catch, isn't he? So what's your response, Gav?" I'm not sure I can handle all three of you," I replied honestly. "I'm already not spending as much time as I should with you and Cora. There must be plenty of young men out there who would be happy to fill this role for you, Tracy." Wait. Cora?" Tracy asked. "But, I thought, that is, she and my dad... I mean..." You mean Cora's taken an interest in your Dad?" Well, she must have. I mean,. To be honest, my thoughts were now swirling around Dara and her arrival at the house the following evening. I busied myself washing my car and straightening the place up, but all through it, I kept thinking about the gag photos Lorene took of her, and that caused my loins to stir. I finally gave in to hormonal urges and opened some other photo books which were in the den. Looking back over the years, I realized just how sexy and alluring Lorene and Dara were when they were my age. I ran across. ’ And soon real trouble came to paradise, because Wild Boy was not only clever and devious, but curious as well. And one morning, as he and Little Boy played at hunting –‘ A tremendous gust of wind buffeted our little hut, and the thatch began to fly away. Another even more powerful gust took the entire roof off, and Tse-ni-sa and I were exposed to the fierce blizzard. Our possessions were scattered around the house, and heavy snow began to come in. I clutched at the blankets, which were trying. I was alone but it won’t stay that way for long.Eventually I’d be seen and the thought of other people seeing me like this terrified me. I was so scared and so focused on getting home I forgot to cover myself. I was unwittingly exposing my nudity to anyone who came past. I was so embarrassed.I got to the road and no-one had seen me. I felt relieved but the hardest part was yet to come. Now I would have to walk down a path that was right next to a terribly busy road. It would be impossible to.
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