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She glanced over at 'Alleria' who wassitting on the edge of the table again, cleaning herself as best shecould. Both girls had stains all over their upper bodies and on theirgroins and legs, and their hair was almost matted with sweat and thejuices of their partner. As Ileena watched, 'Alleria' shrugged andbrushed her thick red mane aside and reached up towards her neck withher long-nailed fingers."Hold, milord," Ileena said hastily, causing the redhead to blink andlower her hands. "Before you. It wasn't half bad and was definitely better than the probable tumor-inducing stuff Kevin was staring at."No joke. This smells like melted plastic and ground pig assholes," He picked it up and took a bite. The look on his face made me think it likely didn't taste much better than it smelled."Seriously, though." He said between bites, "you've been all quiet lately. What gives?"I shrugged. I knew what he meant. I had been quiet. I'd been thinking about my sister a lot.I wasn't sure, but it seemed. They both laughed and tossed me some clothes to put on, but said, "Don't rinse your mouth out today. We want you to remember our piss. Now get your slutty body covered up."I quickly put the clothes on and went to wash my face. I was covered and presentable when the others showed up and all said good morning. I didn't dare get too close to anyone since my breath smelled like piss. But the rest of the day went pretty good. I only had to show my tits and pussy twice to the girls and that was only. Relax, Suzie. Just relax, little one.” His one hand would rub my throat massaging my tense muscles. I will never forget the first time I trusted him enough not to fight when I started to gag, it was my fourth week. It was just after I’d bathed him and I was sitting on my heels at his feet. He’d tasted a little soapy at first. His soft murmurings and gentle petting helped immensely. I’m not sure whether I tipped my head back a little further and then Master stepped in closer or it was the other.
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