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She doesn’t want anyone going up there. She thinks it’s too dangerous.”“Mom always has the last word. Especially if it involves any kind of manual labor,” Steph said.“Not always. I’ve won at least two of the last ten thousand arguments. Progress.”“That just proves my point. Have fun being mom’s slaves for the next couple hours.”We went to the attic and did a chain line since it was a drop ladder attic so we could get a nice pile of boxes down at a time and then take them outside once the pile. The two nurses got scared then and needed a bit of a slap before I got themgagged as well but soon enough I've got my three nice and secure, quiet asmice and their heads in their leather transport hoods. The rest of the place is in a muddle. There's half naked girls every whichway. Some of them handcuffed, some of them gagged, some of them hooded. Allgood fun but there's always a risk that you'll lose some when things aren'tmade to run smoothly. Well anyway the suits decide that all is finished. Sylvia, and Destiny. Then I saw my oldest sister standing near thelearner car, a crowd of guys ringing around her.Absently I reached out and slammed Julie's hood. "Show's over," I said as Ibegan walking."Bullshit lady, I know this car. No way they just gave it to you," Jaysaid."Jay, Back off. We gave her the car because she needed something to drive."I hugged Pam hard. "I'm surprised to see you here. I didn't think you wereinto fast cars, and faster boys." I'm not really, I was just giving. To that Ruth said that Fred and she had never been naked together, nor, of course, with Tom and Sue. She asked me if I thought we should swim naked and my reply was that it would be fun so we should do it. With great daring (as far as my sister and I were concerned) we all took off our bathers. I became a little excited when I saw my sister and Sue completely nude. I hadn`t previously known that between their legs would be an area of dark hair. My eyes almost popped out at the sight of their.
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