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Kau bisa memilih, kita melakukan hal ini bersama-sama dengan lembut atau aku akan memaksamu melakukannya dengan kasar. Bagaimana? Pilih yang pertama kan? Kalau setuju, buka pakaianmu itu pelan-pelan!”Anissa masih berbaring tanpa daya dan tak mampu mengucapkan kata-kata. Semuanya berlangsung begitu cepat seperti mimpi buruk yang tidak kunjung berakhir. Pak Bejo berdiri di depan Anis dengan gelisah dan tak sabar, pria tua itu sudah melucuti pakaiannya sendiri sampai hanya mengenakan celana dalam.. " Helooked directly at me, and I could tell by glassy eyed stare he'd alreadyhad too much to drink. "They say you learned some magic spell or somethingwhen you were out in the Orient. Why don't you tell us about that?"I sighed. I'd learned it while in Austria-Hungary, not the Orient, and itwas a trick, not magic. But it was mysterious sounding and weird and I'dshown it off at a couple parties, so it had only been a matter of timebefore word of my "magic spell" had spread."I'd really rather not,. He masturbated me quickly with the movement of his deft fingers and I realised that on our first time together he just wanted to make me come. He did not want me to reciprocate although I don't know why.He stroked and pulled on my cock exposing the head of my uncut penis as it rhythmically appeared and disappeared behind my foreskin. There I was, half naked on my back on the bed and him kneeling over me. I prayed that no one would somehow blunder in and see us. Before long I felt my scrotum. Standing up, she excused herself and went to the bathroom, picking up her handbag on the way. Once in Tim’s bathroom, Ruby washed the lipstick smear off the top of her hand before reaching down into her bag and pulling out her bottle of emerald green, peppermint mouthwash. Pouring some into her mouth she swirled it around and enjoyed the minty tingle on her tongue and inner cheeks before spitting it into the sink. Turning on the tap, Ruby swilled away the liquid before looking at her reflection.
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