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Frank chuckled while he listened to the young woman sleeping beside him. How long had it been since a woman fell asleep on him and it wasn't because she was too old to keep up with his active lifestyle? He thought back to his wife Helen and how busy they had always been. Volunteering in the community after he retired from the Service as well as working at a few of the local shops, just to have something to fill his time with.When Helen passed it had taken him a while to get moving again, but. With two cold six-packs sitting in the passenger seat, along with a few snacks, he headed for home. Much to his bewilderment, his headlights shined on someone walking alongside of the road. As cold as it was, she – he could tell it was a woman as he drew closer – had to be nuts. Once close enough, he thought he recognized her, and slowed down. Sure enough, as he pulled up next to her, there was no doubt that it was Grace walking along the road in the freezing cold after midnight. He pulled to a. ‘I’m not too late, am I?’ ‘I’ve already popped his cherry, Vinnie,’ said Gayle. ‘But you can have a turn with me, if you’d like,’ she said bending over, lifting up her nightgown, and wiggling her naked ass at Vinnie. ‘No, thank you, Gayle, I’m good. Actually, I was hoping me and my friend can party here. My wife is having a Tupperware party at the house and my girlfriend is out with her husband.’ ‘Yeah, sure, four makes for a better party than just the two of us. Besides, Freddie looks like. As for me, I was stunned. Totally and completely stunned. I should havebeen furious, beyond even, that he?d just done that without asking.Instead, I could feel the stupid grin stretched across my face, and had asneaking suspicion that my eyes were probably a bit glassy and unfocused.Stupid wish.He reached over to take one of my hands, curling his fingers around inmine. I looked down at our joined limbs, then brought my gaze up to hisface.There was a beaming smile there, showcasing his pride at.
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