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Because of her healthier cooking and eating habits, she had continued to lose weight; now that loss of weight was slowing down. She was, however, loosing inches. Her clothes were fitting more loosely; she was even getting into clothes that she hadn't worn in years. I think the battle for Mom was almost won; there was just one more area to conquer."Mom can we talk; woman to woman." Of course dear, what did you want to talk about?" Your sex life." I thought she would drop the bar she was so. I moved and sat in her patients' chair. Her striking eyes pierced me, silently asking why I was here without an appointment."Doctor..." Please call me Celeste when in privacy of the counseling office." Dr. Cina's bright smile followed her announcement. The ceiling lights cast a glow on her olive check bones when she tilted her head.I leaned towards her and nodded. "Sure. And, you should call me, Von." We both smiled like conspirators. "I wanted to offer my help." Oh." The surprise on her face. "Shit," Howard sighed, then gave a weak chuckle as he told himself, "Little girls shouldn't use such language."A girl of approximately 9 or 10 years old stared back at Howard from the mirror. She had extremely dark brown hair that was almost black and dark eyes to go with it. Her face was rather cute, giving Howard the impression that she would one day grow up to be a real beauty. That was something that he was not looking forward to and decided not to think about just yet."One day at a time,". I fired up the machine and finished up the last couple of houses on the block, thinking about the lingering kiss, what I thought was unmistakable flirting and her choice of attire on a cold day. Finally I thought I’m imagining things and went on about my day. Over the next few months it seemed like Kat and I were running into each other more often outside during the day and she seemed more and more interested in things going on in my life. She was always dressed to kill when I ran into her and.
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