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Joe did his best to stop himself from coughingbut his attempts were nothing but failures. He was almost done cleaningthe pool and he desperately wanted to power through the coughing but itfinally go to be too much.He went with plan B which was to get out of the pool (again) and take aquick swig of water from the hose. Getting out of the pool, he slowlywalked across the pool deck, not wanting to fall back in. Carefullydescending the stairs which included holding onto the railing, he walkedacross. ”“You didn’t do it,” Tabatha interrupted. “We’ve been stealing from the Confederacy for as long as it’s been around. We just never thought they’d come after us for it.”“That’s just it,” Alicia explained. “They’re not after you for thieving. They want your ship – the Phoenix. And they want what they think is your technology: telepathy and teleportation, to be precise. They have a cube that can detect a telepath. That’s how they caught me. I never bothered to learn how to shield, so I set off. It stabbed the sky with a cold, gray point. Two smaller buildings squatted at the end of the courtyard behind the chapel, that’s where classes were held, K-2nd in the first, 2-4th in the second. Slightly behind the smaller buildings, a larger building poked out of the ground, curving up and out like an giant upside-down soup bowl: the gym. Parallel to this, a somewhat smaller rectangle housed the cafeteria. She swallowed. This was it. Letting out a deep breath, she exited her vehicle and made. The main roads had all ground to a halt, and as I was packing up for the day Mary suggested that i stay over at hers tonight rather than risk the drive home, certainly sounded like a better night than the previous.As we made our way to Mary's it was only normally about a 10 minute drive, but today it took nearly an hour, although I did stop for a bottle of wine or 2 at the local shop.I ordered a takeaway when we arrived at Mary's but had to go and collect it as the driver wouldnt come out in.
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