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She said it felt so huge. She could feel all of it as I pushed all the way in in one thrust completely taking her breath away. She never caught that breath back.She moved her hands all over my back, my sides and my face as I had my left hand on the side of her face and my right keeping myself up. She ran her palms from my bum up to my neck to feel every thrust. I was getting harder and harder, faster and faster. She could barely kiss me as she was putting my energy into pulling my lower back. We take breaks and just watch, some smoking and others drinking, swapping numbers and addresses, talking about what we are into and our little perversions and family members that can be persuaded to be seduced on an overnight stay, legal and i*****l, but in the privacy of our own homes.Many years before all of this I remember a grown-up party at our country home, I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and on passing my parents room, saw my mother in the bed with two men I had never seen. She just moaned letting me know she approved of the gesture. Now taking even more of my thick cock in her mouth I could feel my head squeezing into the entrance of her tight little throat. Her eyes got big as I continued ot force her head down raising my hips, forcing myself deep into her young throat. She gagged and pulled back,as I released my grip. Her mouth over flowing with saliva and throat slime as she gag. "Holy fuck. No way No fucking way." She said to her self, looking over my big. And, since I had one delicious chance to get even, I had no need to give tell-tell clues to any of those involved in the wedding party. Those included my husband as one of the groomsman; the groom’s brother was the best man, younger and Navy cadet.And, then there was Elizabeth, the sweet as pie to the world bride and her sisters for life from the sorority minions now her bridesmaids.It was pretty grim, sad that I was in charge of the bachelorette party and it was Elizabeth’s wish that a night.
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