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“Kendi, I’m home.”My wife came out of the bedroom wearing a t-shirt and panties.“Hi Mick. Where have you been?”“I went for a walk.”“Me too. I thought that you were going to call me if I wasn’t home.”“I had a lot of thinking to do.”“Me too.”“What did you have to think about? All you have to deal with is a wife that loves you and let her hate for another man almost ruin her marriage. All you had to worry about was if I was suddenly a horrible bitch with no heart that you could not live with.”“No.. Gently he helped me to my feet and asked me if I was alright. I smiled like an idiot, and nodded. Then I passed out. When I woke up, I was at Ottawa’s Civic Hospital, surrounded by family and friends. I was lucky to be alive. When I got discharged from the hospital the next day, I couldn’t wait to return to school and it had nothing to do with missing my friends and classmates. I went to the architecture building and stalked from room to room until I spotted Adam Picard, talking to a tall,. She thought of all the times that she'd done this to herself; or the tongue of a lover who had done it to her ... sweet times! But this was crude and painful!He hadn't probed inside her vagina yet, and she wondered when the rubber glove would be going on! But there was no glove! Instead she heard the unmistakable sound of a zip being lowered, and by moving her head, she could see his trousers drop to his ankles.God! No! she thought, He wouldn't! But he did!With his hands on her hips, he pulled. Tina yelped in surprise and struggled as the shirt was pulled over her head."I can do it, I can do it!" she stammered.Larry backed off, and she finished removing the shirt. Next she unbuckled her shorts and began to push them down her legs. She wasn't wearing any shoes so she kicked the shorts off easily.She looked at the men, who were both staring at her intently, wearing only her panties and bra, now. "Do-- all of it?" she asked with trepidation."Larry," Don said again.As the man stepped.
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