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" You don't really hear that?" I couldn't understand why she would want to know. "Yes I do, tell me." She insisted and went then back to sucking me. So I told her everything. It seemed to excite her and it certainly was fun if not very bizarre for me to talk about it. I told her how Jenna had snuck into bed with me, got on top of me, kissed me, sucked me, and then how she rode me like a cowgirl.Elena just continued working on my cock until finally she climbed on top of me and lowered herself. If you could spend an entire day at a Mistress's house, totally engaged in female supremacy, what picture would you paint? After I arrive at Mistress's place, I will have to undress and put my clothes away. Then I go on my knees and wait for Mistress to enter the room. She walks towards me and greets me by slapping and spitting in my face. then she makes me pose for her so she can inspect every part of my body. I will greet her by kissing and massaging her feet until she is satisfied. I get. I moaned, ‘ahhhhhhh!! I am in heaven. Please suck me harder’. Rekha rose, sat on the sofa, with her legs beneath her and bent down once again. She raised her hips and parted her legs. She once again took my dick in her warm mouth. I inclined my head back in sheer pleasure, only to see her pussy from the rear. Fantastic. I moved my fingers over her pussy lips. Bending sideway, i kissed her vagina lips. Rekha withered. I parted her lips and inserted my thumb inside her cunt. I moved my thumb in. My Schoolgirl attire was slutty with a short plaid skirt and fishnet stockings, and I began to feel submissive and horny as I donned each piece of the outfit. Once I buckled my 6 inch heels on, I put on some makeup and put my blonde wig in place. Checking myself in the mirror to make sure the transformation was complete, I put my boy clothes in a small sack I had packed, and placed them on the floor in the middle of the room.Now that I was dressed fully, I got more and more nervous and horny as.
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