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..and, anyway, where is your pair?”“I came alone... My pair blew off the date in the 11th hour...”It sounded like a weak excuse to me, but I wouldn’t dispute that with her at that moment... The party was good, but at a given moment, I found myself alone and I couldn’t find Simon. He seemed to disappear, and so as Gail. I thought to myself to not even think about the possibility... but..“Simon? Well, I saw Gail talking with him and going to one of the living rooms”Shit! That bitch want to steal. I went into the house. We were sitting on the sofa and talking and I slowly held her hand. She stood up and went to the kitchen. I followed her there and stood right behind her. I could not control myself.I held her from behind and licked from the back of her neck. I slowly unzipped the whole top while licked my way through. She left a soft moan and that turned me on like crazy. I pressed her hips and turned her. There stood her huge breasts. She had black nipples that were so erect and made me. The way her hair was done showed off her narrow neck. Once her nails were done, she stood up and twirled around for me. The short skirt of the dress swinging high and showing just a hint of what was underneath. Totally took my breath away. She thanked the ladies and out the door we walked. I helped her into the car and we drove to the other side of the city. There was a club that I thought she would like. Lots of dancing and nice lighting. That was what I was looking for and that was where we. The sensation was incredible, she was tight... Wet... It felt like velvet. We began moving, I would thrust into her, she would arch her back to meet me. We kissed again; I gently bit her lower lip, and ran my tongue over and into her mouth.After a few minutes of this, she pushed me back and said, "hold on, let me get on top, OK,? Russ never lets me get on top anymore." The mention of my brother's name was a little weird, but what the fuck did I care? "Fine, that's fine," I panted, "we'll try a.
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