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Tasha was wearing a matching set of panties. My eyes focused on the small patch of cloth covering her pussy. I was searching for signs of staining, wondering again if Tasha was going to really go through with this. I was starting to become aroused as Rachel begged to be spared the humiliation of cleaning Tasha’s pussy. “I don’t know!” Rachel said quickly and with panic starting to gain the upper hand. Tasha reached behind her back and I saw the fabric of her bra give as the clasp was undone.. “Do you want to take off your pants so I can suck you off good?” I pushed my pants down to my ankles, asking if that was good enough, without a word, he leaned across the console of the car and began to give me my first man to man blow job. The feeling was intense, as I'd never received a 'good' blowjob from any of the girls my age that I'd dated. He took his time and seemed to enjoy every inch of my cock, all the time his hand was massaging my balls and stroking my cock as he went up and. ”Walter began to press against my sphincter. I grabbed my butt cheeks with clenched fists as he started ‘forcing open’ my sphincter.“Ouch,” I whimpered. “Please, it hurts. Be gentle.”“I know it hurts,” Walter replied. “That’s normal. Just relax and let it happen. Don’t fight it.”He continued the pressure against my butt hole. Suddenly my sphincter opened up to admit his monster. I experienced burning, searing pain that surged through my body.I arched my back and screamed out in. They barked out orders for me and that got me super wet. I came on the licker’s tongue and in minutes my face was covered in pre-cum and drool. It was like a porn movie and I was the center of attention, being used for others’ pleasures. That kept me cuming and then the tongue was replaced by a very large penis. It showed my pussy no mercy. From the corner of an eye, I could see Cheri stroking and sucking my husband who was watching me and my black guys. He didn't seem too thrilled but yet he.
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