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‘Erin, your breasts are incredible, show me them again’Chloe passed the glass of wine to Erin, erin laughed ‘really?’‘You don’t have to, they just looked amazing’‘Maybe later, a few more rosè’ and I’ll be naked in no time’They both laughed ‘I’m going to get changed’. Chloe went upstairs and searched for something sexy in her wardrobe, everything was too revealing, she managed to find a similar nightgown to Erin although her nipples did come through in the light. Chloe put it on and grabbed her. Turn her on, turn her off," addedMelanie. "O.K., but Martie's not a threat, are you darling," finished Lucinda.So saying she brought her lips to my boy clitty and gently brushed myknob end with her lips. I let out a low moan of fear and humpedhelplessly."If you keep that up, you'll get a mouthful of cum. She can't help butrespond like that and she'll blow off eventually," cautioned Melanie."Why? Can't you control yourself darling?" grinned Lucinda."No-ooh!" I wailed softly, "I'm going to cum!". "The twins were speechless for once. Valerie started to laugh as she pointedto the others to look at their faces. Cat's eyes started to light up andshe pleadingly asked, "Can we help? We love weddings." This caused theothers to start laughing as Valerie pointed out, "I guess we can let youhelp out for a fourth time but that might mean you can't help out with yourcousins' wedding this summer."All five adults started laughing as Cat's eyes started to tear up and herlips quiver. JD saw right. A twist of my left nipple was all it took to detonate the explosion inside my body. All sound went distant, all feelings centred on my orgasm. I stopped breathing as time stood still. I started coming down, and she was holding me up. I had wet her dress. I must have squirted, but I had no time for embarrassment as I was being lowered to the floor onto my knees. My hair was pulled and she had lifted her dress and I saw her totally smooth pussy, very wet and engorged and I was pulled onto it. I.
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