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Her dress was flame red, embroidered with a pattern of a Phoenix rising from a sunburst. Strapped crosswise on her back was a huge sword. It looked heavy, but I knew it signified a responsibility heavier than any steel.Removing my Helm, I bowed before the lady, taking my time, as I hadn't done this in years. It would be just my luck that now would be the time all that wine would take effect and I would look a fool in front of the Phoenix Clan's Primogeness!"Hail, Phoenix!" I cheered, and meant. "CUM WITH ME! CUM WITH ME! CUM WITH ME!" She begged again, with each of my last few thrusts. And as she begged for my seed, I complied and buried my cock in her completely to the hilt, while I spasmed in ecstasy. My eyes blurred and my mind swam while I emptied my cum into her hot hole. I was pulling hard on her hips as I pumped pulse after pulse of semen into her, just as she'd asked. I realized as it was happening that her legs were shaking uncontrollably and she too was grunting as I was.. But fortunately, my work is the sort I can do alone, and when I could pull my mind off my weird circumstances, it was a good day to concentrate. A few more such days, and I might finish a draft soon. But believe me, that was not by design.After work, it was supper alone. Again. I guess it's all out now that I'm a lonely woman, and I can't imagine that this will help in any way that I'd be willing to pursue. I still can't believe this happened.With nothing going on that would provide me with an. ..”“What is delope, Doctor?” asked Eloise.“To delope is to throw away your shot in a duel – it means deliberately missing your opponent, either by firing into the air or into the ground, or aiming extremely wide of your opponent.”Thank you, Doctor. Pray continue.”“Greenaway gave me his word that he would delope immediately after Braxton-Clark had fired his shot. ‘I am such a bad shot even if I aimed to miss I might accidentally hit my target’ he said. ‘I shall fire into the air, well over his.
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