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David’s tonker sprung up as soon as it was released and Frank grabbed it saying “what a prize, and your only 14; I wonder what you’ll have here when you’re 20”. David said “I hate to think; I can only hope that it won’t carry on growing with me”. Frank said “But the girls will love it” and David said “But there’s the down side as well; I would dearly love to fuck Tim’s ass but I can’t bear the thought of hurting him”. Frank said “There is that; I haven’t been fucked in a while but give me a. "And, honestly, I'd be afraid to leave a woman that gorgeous alone for a week. Never know what she might get up to during that time. Or you, for that matter."His eyes locked on Mark's as he said the last line, and something sparked in the back of his mind. He took a big gulp of beer. Mark laughed, but he wondered if Tom shared his fantasy of tag-teaming a woman with a friend. It was a pretty common fantasy, he supposed. But his fantasy went a little further - it was Ashley he fantasized about. The elimination of the lab put a serious dent in the villains plans,the house had to be torn down since the lab becomes a toxic dump.Even with the financial assist from the federal, state and localauthorities, the removal cost still hurt me financially. One night afew weeks after the labs destruction, I was forcibly abducted fromthe parking lot of a restaurant in broad daylight. I was put to thetest in a manner of speaking, when they thought I was past living Iwas loaded into a truck and driven. We went out during the afternoon a lot, found a quiet cove and went down into the cuddy. Michelle loved the mirrors down there. She loved to watch my dick going in and out of her pussy. I did too. I don’t think I ever enjoyed boating so much during those times! A few times we messed around on the back lounge on deck but she was always afraid someone would see us that she knew. We had to be careful as both of us were married. I think Michelle’s pussy got wet with excitement the minute she.
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