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I also told him that he could do it because if I shaved it then I might miss a bit and I might get embarrassed by a few stray hairs.He was off the bed in a shot and went into the bathroom to get his shaving gear. He had changed the blade for a new one and had also got a bowl of warm water from the kitchen. He then moistened my pussy hair with the warm water. He then sprayed shaving foam all over my mound. He rubbed it in and I have to admit that it felt really good. He then set about removing. I pull my head up slowly and stop just before the tip pop out of my mouth… then I rotate my head to the other side of her cock and repeat the process. I add a tongue swish at the top stroke before turning my head back to work the other side. Emily's moaning. After about 20 strokes…I stop the slow rotation method and start to bob up and down going down to her base and all the way up to tip of the head, making sure to suck really hard when on at the top the head only and then back down again. I. We were to bear - and enjoy - the same level of pain and pleasure together. My reaction on being clamped for the first time in my life was instant. Two fingers were thrust roughly in her as she lay on her back. I worked them relentlessly vigorously, angrily even, on the aroused, ridges that I knew marked her g-spot. Harder and harder, my fingers moved as the nipple clamp bit into me. The palm of my hand pressed tightly against her hard clitoris, stimulating that, too. It was a way of. He pressed the button that would raise a secure communication to Senior Councillor Ularean, and a few moments later, the Ashanath leader’s grey bulbous head filled the viewscreen.“Ah, JohnBlake!” the robed alien said with relief, even over the unemotional computer voice modulator. “When your ship appeared in this system, and moved to high orbit above Ashana, we attempted to contact you. When there was no answer, we grew concerned.”“Sorry to have worried you unnecessarily,” John apologised. “We.
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