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Foliage ran to ferns and marsh grasses, just greening up nicely at this time of year. The trees ran to tamaracks so grubby and hard to get to that even the pulp cutters had bypassed them.In another two or three weeks, the mosquitos would be so thick that they could drain a person quicker than a battalion of nurses at a Red Cross blood bank. Only an aggressive mosquito control program started decades before kept the town relatively free of the little vampires.Thinking ahead a few weeks, Pam. The next thing I know, I'm waking up in a hospital bed, nearly two weeks later.I can remember absolutely nothing after getting into my car that evening, not even starting the engine.I was informed that some little shit joy-rider had run into the rear of my car at high speed in a stolen four-by-four. The driver of the stolen jeep or whatever it was couldn't have been injured; the bugger had set the thing on fire before he legged it.The police reckoned that was standard procedure nowadays for. Instead, he moved it out of the way and brought his face down there, teasing me with his hot breath. He stuck two of his fingers inside my pussy and rubbed the hard pink stone that was my clitoris. "Open your legs baby," Jan breathed. I did and he gasped. "Oh my god, I love your vagina! It's so raw and fresh and pink and I want to taste it." He moaned as he did. The vibrations from his lips and his warm wet tongue drove me insane. My body thrashed upon my mattress like a fish out of water. My. OH god she says I'm going to cum again fuck me, fuck me, so there I am pounding her really slapping my cock in hard & fast, she screaming oh god I'm cummimg I stops & says now your arse is wet, yes she says it is, yes you spray then because you wet my balls I'm going to enjoy fucking you for years to come, There I am still pounding her I could feel myself ready to cum, so I stopped looked her in the face & said are you enjoying this, god yes I've never had sex like this before, what, ok I've.
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