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He looked at me with the patience of a wise and seasoned teacher. The use of the word son drew me to him. For some reason, I trusted him immediately. "You will experience some of the most selfless acts of kindness and generosity imaginable as well as considerable lies, deceit, and manipulation for the purpose of separating you from your cash. It's the way it is, their way of life. You are about to enter a world of fantasy, son. For them, it's about survival. Pensions and social security are not. She was also moaning. I could not control my self and sat up and removed her bra. Her nice erect tits stared back at me.Then I lifted her and threw her on the bed. She opened her legs wide. I smelt her pussy and the scent made me go mad with passion. I removed it and took out my erect dick, oozing with precum. Guys, I hesitated as I knew that there was no return down this path. So I inserted a finger insider her dripping wet pussy. She moaned and shivered with pleasure. I guess mom had no sex. Her mother, Debbie, had gone out shopping soon after her brother had left to go nextdoor and clean the Simpson's pool. She was suddenly all alone in the house with nothing to do. She had listened to the stereo for a while and even watched some TV but it was no good, she was utterly bored. Finally, she had selected a novel from the bookshelf in her room and settled down to read it. She tried desperately to get involved with the storyline, but her mind just wouldn't concentrate.She wondered what. Jane looks at me "Yeah, that's it, DAD." as she struggles, unable to push my hand away, under the table.The girl sits down and says her name is Beth, and she likes to talk a lot it seems.After about a few minutes Jane gives up on pushing my hand away acts like nothing is happening.I just continue to rub her soft thighs while I'm eating dinner. After we're done eating Beth asks to see Jane's hands to try and read her palms or something I don't know, I wasn't listening to them talk.As Beth holds.
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