Neck Kissing mp4

Pulled down my pants and underwear, letting my hard cock free to point towards her. Putting her hands on my ass she pulled me to her letting my cock travel its full length into her mouth, then back out. She stood, lifting my shirt as she rose, leaving me as naked as she was. Here she was, feminine perfection and I was just a kid from NJ. For some reason I excited her. There's no telling what attracts people. My hands were now all over Cindy, my cock trapped between us as we kissed and. Once or twice she would find me in a towel and saying “excuse me sir” she would walk out of the room giving me privacy etc. No such hints were there about what was to happen / come my way. Usually weekends being off , i am used to having a nice long oil massage – either with the masseuse coming to my place or if he does not then wife would do the honors – Shailly would be generally around on Saturday when this happened and i never felt conscious about the fact that she saw me almost nude ;-).. I was expecting it to be a bit awkward when we got back but Jennifer wasn't at all self-conscious or uncomfortable. She walked to the large window that looked over the city, and admired the view. It's a cliche to say that I needed to pinch myself to check this was happening, but I really did.She stood in the window, city lights illuminating her from the front forming a silhouette of her perfect, hour glass figure. Her dress hugged her curves and emphasised her tiny waist and the swell of her. Her and I saw eye to eye on everything and had a lot of the same Ideas, she was also just as tall as I was. Unfortunately she couldn’t find a man that could accept her being smarter than them. When her second child was born her husband left her,or maybe she threw him out who knows she was only 29. One day he was there and the next he was gone ,but it didn’t faze her and went on with her life soon to find another man. She was an attractive woman,long brown hair , blue eyes and a thin body and.
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Neck Kissing

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