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I bolted out the door from work that day, not making eye contact with anyone. I was embarrassed, so embarrassed my sister asked me what was up when she picked me up from work. I just redirected her and asked her how her day was. When I got home I ate, did my homework, said good night and headed for bed. What Bob said was on my mind. What the fuck did he mean.."nice view" - "who the fuck does he think he is?" I put my pajamas over my panties and headed for bed.Bob was a married overweight 55. Dawn went back with the drinks and Ella said what was that about,nothing love they were trying to chat me up, Ella asked if i liked black men and i told her its the only men your dad will let me fuck..again she said MOTHER please..the night went on Dawn said and the lads were looking over when 1 came over and put his number on a beer mat and said ring me if you want to get in the club my brother is the manager and i will get you in with a free drink. the girls said deffo we will ring you..Elle. He did not know anything about the woman he chose to attack, that was certain. Because of his size, he had heretofore relied on speed and surprise to overcome his victims. Had any of them been able to react and had any of them previous experience in wrestling or self-defense, his captures would have gone very badly.Instead of her head the stick in his hand struck Sandrine’s right shoulder. It broke off but it left Sandrine’s right arm temporarily paralyzed. She dodged his attempt to follow up. He lovingly licked it, lapped it until it was semi hard. His tongue traveled over, around and down her balls. Maria now shook from head to toe. She felt her bed sag as he crawled between her spread legs. One leg at a time was lifted, then folded back against her chest. Then she screamed as his tongue found her ass pussy. “Calvin”, she moaned as it’s tip probed her. Deeper and deeper he probed her relaxed hole. He heard her whisper, “let me show you my pussy”. Calvin stopped. He saw her tense.
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