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" So I guess you don't want to put sunscreen on me," I chuckled as I poured a big drop into my palm."Don't be such an ass," Patty admonished, but when I lifted my thick cock off my thigh and slowly slathered the white cream over it, taking extra care on my cockhead, I could feel both girls eyes devouring me.Within ten minutes Soo had undone her top, and shyly watched my reaction as her firm little tits burst into view. Soon after we went for a swim and when we arrived back soaking at our. "Hi, is this place free?" Yes, but are you sure that you want to be seen with an old hog like me?" Maybe I like older men."That wasn't very subtle. As I didn't reject her she just sat down next to me and made sure that she pushed her small breasts forward. I had no intention of doing anything with her. I was curious to know what she wanted from me, but I was sure that the guys in that booth didn't want anything good happening to me."Why is that? Besides to me you look almost too young to be. She was a large woman - there was no escaping her weight - she was a big Italian mama. And starting a family only added to her size.We stayed friends on social media and through this I gathered that her husband left after her second c***d was born.She'd had a relationship with another man, but he was long gone from the scene, and her messages were mostly about her k**s - now more grown up, and her health - weight related illnesses. She only ever provided head shot pictures of herself, but you. ”“And then she told my mom, who knew I really liked you, and she assumed the worst.”“Wait, how did she know you really liked me?” Her question was accompanied by the kind of grin that said she already knew the answer.Josh wiped his face to cover his increasing embarrassment. “I didn’t have to say anything. She just knows. She’s my mom.”Lauren patted his leg and sat back, drawing his attention to her gorgeous body again. “And she’s like my second mother. I need to explain what happened so she.
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