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The gift sat by your side and she smiled own at you, a smile you could not see or imagine through the silk blind fold. Her long red nails ran through your hair, and you lifted your head into the touch. Then she leant down, holding her hair back so the surprise would not be ruined by its soft touch. She ran her tongue along your lips, making them moist and glisten in her touch. Your lips parted at the kiss, and her tongue sank into your warm wet mouth. The kiss was at first gentle and your. She was in control by allowing herself to be controlled. Upstairs, her Mistress sat at a table with the blonde’s husband. They watched her enthusiastically lick her lover’s pussy on one of the many monitors in the salon. “Such an eager little slut. A real people person, no? That little cunt you married is going to make me a fortune. I’ll see to it that you’re taken care of as well,” as she said this, she slid her hand down the front of his trousers, taking his already stiff cock into her hand.. "One more time."Unh."She takes another swing."Unh."It's not really that I like"Unh."being fucked up the ass.Not really."Unh."Again."Unh."One more time."Unh."It's just that that's all we do."Yeah, lemme show you some more love. Yeah." Unh."You see, she doesn't want to have sex with me."Unh."So we just do anal.She got the strapon... well, I don't know where she got the strap on. She might tell me, if I asked."Unh."But then that might show that I care a bit more than I should. And then we wouldn't. "He stared at her. "Really? I'm sorry. I wanted to make it good for you, too. I didn't mean to come -" Don't worry about it. It was fine for me. It was great. Just may be the best I ever had. I saw stars aplenty. Besides, it gives us something to work on. It can only get better."Jeff grinned at her and chuckled lustily as he ground his cock around inside the squishy depths of her overflowing pussy.He raised himself on his elbows so he could bow his head. Wrapping his mouth alternately around.
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