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Dad missed his for a bogey and when Milo made his putt, we'd won!It was another great game on another great day. I was getting the golf bug again and thinking maybe I might encourage Astrid to catch it too.Henrik produced our winnings and Milo and I gratefully accepted our lost twenty dollars from the previous game. Dad was the only one to lose, but he didn't appear to be very upset about it. He was muttering about his long irons, but I'd heard all that before, and Mom has told him time and. I was in the nursery at the time, feeding my own Siyanda, and I distinctly heard her say it. She was sitting up in her cot at the time, so I think she was asking for her mother to come and cuddle her. As soon as I finished with Siyanda, I went over and gave her a cuddle, and she repeated it. Perhaps she thinks I am her mother!" Being a black South African, Ruth could not be mistaken for Diana's mother, though her own daughter, Tessa, had trouble recognising she was not white, for most of her. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. The panties looked very sexy and as I looked at myself I marveled at how different I looked and how like a very sexy woman I was.I decided to get the food ready before finishing dressing so I pulled on a white silk dressing gown and went downstairs leaving the front of the dressing gown open. I loved walking around just in bra and panties and as I went down the stairs I thought how distant my thoughts of work were.I went into the kitchen and. " Yes, I know about your little surprise party for the Douglas twins." Are you going to stop it?" If I was going to stop it, do you think I would have had Pete put you through that training exercise?" Well ... It might have been a coincidence..." answered Robert, knowing how lame it sounded even as he said it."Speaking of coincidences, I know of another one, as well ... by the oddest coincidence, your sister Lisa and Pete have matching tattoos. Both are rather neat but when they line them up.
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