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She yawned loudly as her body squirmed, sending the sheets of her bed into a mess. Alice paused, something felt good against her breast, a somewhat warm feeling. It took her a moment to register the palm upon her, an arm rested against her stomach, the skin hot against her. She glanced backwards to note the guy from last night asleep beside her. He was wearing only deep grey boxers, somewhat flimsy material which outlines his thick "item" perfectly. He was perfectly muscled, his body toned to. Seems her office was opened for half day today.Our heads were almost touching each other. Her hairs were fallen on one side which was again and again falling on my hair as the fan was running because of extreme sun outside. Aahhh…what a fragrance, she was smelling awesome…like a perfect lady…I intentionally started breathing a bit more as I wanted to enjoy the smell. For some reason, my eyes wanted to see her face. Her head still looking down at paper, I lifted my face to see her face…wow,. Chris and both his friends were sprawled over one of the couches with a group of girls sprawled over them."C'mon," I tapped Chris on the shoulder. He looked up at me, blinked, but still hardly seemed to recognize me. Ken looked equally intoxicated, but Bobby at least appeared to be able to walk."You're gonna have to carry him!" Cassie burst out in a great twitter."No way!" Chris actually responded to her. "I ain't drunk! You ain't waking me up like you did this morning!" He jumped to his feet. “Well yeah John I don’t see why or how that would have come up.” Chuck replied becoming visibly uncomfortable in the situation. “Looks like you have quite the package there, Kyle,” John started, “Go, on show and tell. We can practically see all of it anyway with those shorts.” “Now hold on just a minute there John, “Chuck began, anger lacing his voice, “This is my damn son. Not some twink piece of meat at the sauna.” John turned to his boy ,”Maybe we should all just simmer down, catch our.
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