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But somehow sudhir understood me one day he asked meSudhir:yaar tu kya karna chahta hai apne maa ke saathMe:(after all this mockery I was desperate too):haan yaar but kaise karu pata nahi Now sudhir came up with a plan,sudhir and I were friends since childhood so our mothers were also good friends.So sudhir asked his mom to lure my mom into having sex with me.That evening sudhir’s mom rinku did call my mom…But the plan went wrong…I heard my mom yelling to her…Next day sudhir called me and. There’s no way these pictures are going to be kept between them, you think to yourself. You think to yourself, people are going to know… people are going to know your secret, they aren’t going to understand the story behind it, they’re going to see you and see a cross dresser, or even worse, think that I’m not into girls.You tried explaining yourself, but they wouldn’t have it, and at first they started with calling you a queer, sissy… saying that boys like you get beat up for looking like. What's with you two tonight?" We're ready," they softly said in unison.Bob had been expecting this but it still came as a shock to him. He looked up and saw Ellen, Kathy and Sandy with knowing grins. He stifled a shrug and instead squeezed the twins, one in each arm. "I am yours to command," he said softly. "How do you want to do this?" We wanna be at the same time," said Mindy."Instead of one of us waiting for you to recharge," added Mandy."So, we'll take turns," said Mindy, "maybe a minute. ............" "Take it all off," he interrupted, "and let's be quick about it, we want to see if we can free all of the pent up emotions trapped deep inside of you!!!" After standing up and rolling her eyes, Marica turned away from Dr. Fagen and removed every last stitch of her clothing, and then in a small voice offered, "I'm so embarrassed, I don't think I can even face you!!!" "Well if you turn around you'll find out that I'm in the same boat as you," he replied gently!!! "Y-you mean you're.
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