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.. you could have taken six then and not be in this position now! So come on; make your mind up or I'll decide for you' It was obvious that in her misery she wasn't going to decide, so I picked up my internal telephone and asked for the Matron to come to my study. She arrived within five minutes and the swish of her starched uniform into the room caused Jennifer to turn a shade paler. 'Matron', I said when she had composed herself, 'if you look at the punishment book, you will. On his upper torso hewas wearing a tight rubber tank top, long industrial rubber gloves,and his face. Oh my, I felt my knees go a little weak. He had thisstrong yet kind looking face with steely blue eyes that seemed tobore right into you. He had a brown mustache and a triangularsoulpatch under it. His hair was a little long, but kept well.I don't know if it was how I was dressed, the drink, or the factthat I found this man HOT. Well, what the fuck, this is a fetishparty after all. Why couldn't. Uncle Rajinder, her husband, was away on a trip to Asia, a 3 months long business trip.Aunt Madhu, 36, is mom’s closest friend, she is not related to us, but mom considers her as a sister, hence I call her Aunt.She is 5′ 6″ 72 Kg natural brown, she has pouty lips and deep brown eyes that you cannot miss or escape. She just gave birth to her first child, a beautiful baby boy, whom she called Abhay. By the way Abhay is also my Name.I am 19 years old, 5’9″ 72Kg black hair very athletic build due. When did that happen? That kid was the shyest boy on the reservation when it came to girls.”“Jan was one of the nurses who took care of me when I broke this leg. They met during that time, and she decided he was everything she ever wanted. I’m not sure, but I think she proposed to him within an hour after they met.”“My first response to something like that isn’t good, but since you don’t seem to be upset about it, then she must be OK.”“Connie, dear, she’s more than OK. In fact, she and Andy are.
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