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" Ah yes," Harry murmured, "all things are relative, all relatives are things, my relatives took all my things." What?" Just a little play on words an old friend came up with while stoned out of his mind one night. It became our standard response to things being 'relative'." Ooookay ... you have had some odd friends." This from my darling little freak of a wife?" Okay, point taken ... then as far as odd people in your life, I'm in good company. Better?" Much better."Meanwhile, a few feet away,. "Welcome, sir" she replied, smiling coyly and licking her lips ever so slightly before advancing down the car to check more passenger tickets.The girl at the commissary, this one's name tag read Kelley, handed Randy his requested can of soda and a bag of cashews."Will that be all sir? Unfortunately we haven't entered Freedonian borders yet so I'm still bound by the Prude Laws." Yes, that will do it." Randy had spent every moment of the little free time he had these past few years reading up on. She hugged me to her chest and I’m tasting both the boobs, she controlled her moans but can’t so I put a finger in her mouth she licked sucked and bite it.I touched her full pussy in one catch she was shocked , started pleading no karthick not there plssss at least not here I never listen and by licking her boobs and neck I played with her pussy my hand enters inside her leggings and found her wet panty. My fingers circled her pussy area ,she was going to moan now as her breathing increased and. Consequently, I texted her and call her on the universities’ roof(which is usually vacant and has a storeroom that no one visits) to talk about something.She was dressed in a one piece that day and I was mesmerized by just looking at her. She wasn’t busy or too curvy but just beauty of epic proportions. Finally I came to my senses as she asked me what was so urgent, and it was like suddenly I snapped coz usually I am very shy and decent and wouldn’t dare do anything out of the line but it.
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