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Although she normally preferred men, she had often thought about making love with a woman and secretly looked forward to it. Now, with two men watching, she found the prospect even more thrilling. Her pussy and her tongue were equally enthused.Marcy rimmed the girl's asshole for a while, then slid down and began to run her tongue over Jim and Tracy's joined loins. She sucked her husband's bloated balls and slid her tongue around the fucking pair's coupled genitals, licking Tracy's. I went to bed hoping all would be well. My wife arrived back in the room at 5am and woke me up. She smelt of cum and there was cum all over her face and in her hair. She told me to go out onto the patio and lay on the floor. She then mounted my cock, lowering her cum filled pussy down onto me. As she rode my cock cum oozed out and she told me in detail at how the small group of men had invited their friends and she had been the centre of a bukkake party and cum fest. However she wanted the last. He knelt behind me and forced my legs further apart with his knees. My cousin handed him the lube and he poured a large amount on my ass crack. It was cold and it made me shiver, he said I'm going to fuck the hell out of your ass and your going to love it. I have to admitt I was scared, I've never been handled like this and I thought that cock might put me in the er. He pushed two fingers in at once I felt the burning pain from his penetrating fingers and my ass squeezed his fingers. He said. I sucked harder, used my tonuge more, worked at it, he wasstarting to throb he was going to come. More sucking, working my tongueon his cock, and with one last thrust he started to come. Spurt afterspurt of come into my mouth, I kept sucking and swallowing, loving everdrop. I kept sucking untill he was soft.A voice from behind me, "The door was open."It was John, one of the guys. I blushed red to my roots, so embarased. Istood up, leaving Dan to pull up his boxers and trousers. "Um, hi," wasall.
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