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"Maddi, let me get up," he gently whispered to me. I tiredly did as I was told, climbing off of him. Michael started toward his bathroom, and soon after, I heard the sound of the shower going. I was about to get up and go to my own room when he called out to me, "Maddilyn Anna, get in here this minute!" I giggled at his use of my full name, that's what mother did when I used to get into trouble. I quickly got up from his bed and walked into the bathroom. He was already in the shower, the clear. " I know, but......I just feel weird all over. I mean, my breasts havegrown so that my bras don't even fit." Her hands had been crossed overher chest the whole time we were talking, and when she uncrossed them Igot a look at her beautiful rack under her skimpy white top."Well, you don't need one anyway. Your tits are spectacular."She blushed at that, and nodded Nikita's way. "That's what Nikita wastelling me, too. They're just so sensitive, though. And they seem tostill be growing."I. He got me so horny and he wasn’t even here. I opened another story to start reading when I tore my shorts off. My hand flung to my thong and I ripped it off roughly. My pussy was going to explode any minute and I wanted to get my fingers in there before my juices sprung out. I threw my ripped thong on the floor and shoved two fingers in my dripping pussy. My mind was racing with thoughts of my fingers being his dick. My fingers twist inside me and before I know it my hand is covered with my own. Many requests came to them for a repeat performance and even offers to pay to watch them going to the dogs again. A week later some of Kayla's supposed friends visited them and quickly stripped them and bound them to the beds. Alyssa and Kayla were maturbated by the group of young women as they set up th video equipment. Alyssa had a young woman at her cunt licking and nibbling her cunt sucking her clit until she violently otgasmed. One of the women injected Kayla with an experimental drug.
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