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While many financial empires are teetering, others have already fallen off into the abyss. We curse our enslavement to fossil fuels yet no one has the heart to take that first brave step toward alternative forms of energy. We’ve already lost our manufacturing jobs to the likes of China and Korea, now our technology firms are fleeing to India and elsewhere. As a prime example try finding an American flag that is not made in China. How do you feel when you call tec-support and the person who. First she vibrated the base of his cock whileshe sucked on him. Then, when that didn't produce the required outcomefast enough, she put the vibrator in George's ass. That held the timesdown for days, but eventually they began to go up again. When the timeagain reached 30 minutes, Lupe decided to confront George.Lupe: Last time we do it, I use 3 fingers, then vibrator, and you take 30minutes. That's too long for my little mouth to be stretched.George: Yes, I know. Maybe I should make love to you. He paused, pressed further so that his mushroom was now in, then paused, pushed again as soon as he felt Eric relax a little more. Jared then used one hand to rub and toy with Eric's balls resting on his own cock shaft. Eric stroked his cock a little faster and Jared pushed in even deeper. Then Jared, began the in and out stroking motion going a little deeper each time, still slowly, until he was now completely buried. His cock could feel the unique tightness and warmth that was familiar in one. Then he sucked in leaving only the corners of his mouth open to do a reverse raspberry.“That tickles, OH!” Kylie started twirling her fingers through his hair and softly clawed the top of his head. Zack went back up to her clit and made circles around it, slowly moving in towards her hard little nub. Then with his first three fingers he rubbed around her slit, slicking up his fingers in her leaking juices. “Zack I’m getting close, I’m gonna cum.” She tried pushing his head away. “I’m going to.
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