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Indeed, I had something on my mind at that point, some double action, being the real slutty whore I am, I wanted to have the guy between my legs, but was traying to gain some other fringe benefits along with that, a discount on the order or even getting it all for free in return for handing him my body, I know that is somehow called a whore or prostitution thinking, but so what, it was exactly what I had on mind.As the order was ready and packaged, he was doing some calculations and adding up. Tuesday morning Libby had a large lock that she put around my balls right after I got out of the shower and said this was to remind me that my balls now belonged to her and she had also read that it would stretch my balls down so they would hand nice and long. That was how she really likes to see a mans balls, hanging low and loose. She got out a tape measure and checked to see how long they were hanging. She also told me no underwear and no sitting at the office for the rest of the week. She. "Doug rolled his eyes, "Very funny. I just meant that you've put an awful lot of time into chasing one filly when I've seen at least two girls throw themselves at you. And, I'm sure you could have had a ton more. Is this girl really worth it?" I thought so," said Jake. "But, I don't think anybody would be good enough for Hazel fucking Andrews." So," said Doug. "Come with me to the Delta Tau Delta party tonight. Wanda Pinskie will be there."Jake considered the offer for about five seconds,. Tonight was no different, so I decided that I would get up and go watch some TV. Not that I thought there would be anything on, but it was better than just staring at my ceiling. Since my parents did not let me or my sister have TVs in our bedrooms I was forced to head downstairs. As I turned the corner into the living room however I noticed that I was not the only one who was having trouble sleeping. I saw my younger sister Tara laying on the couch. At first I could not see what was going on.
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