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“I doubt it Shamus” she said “I think I went a bit overboard tonight and won’t be able to walk straight for a week, When I sober up I really think I’m going to regret tonight” she said just as Brian grunted and unload his balls far up inside her.“Please Please don’t say anything about Brian and Please make sure the boys don’t blab” Pleaded Mrs M as Brian pulled out of her and headed for the bathroom.I left and told the boys it was just a once off deal but if we could get her pissed again we. ? He scowled. ?You will face your punishment for looking away, and then another for being displeasing. Scio!? ?Yes Master?? He said as he entered the room. Artimus’ face burned as he realized that he must have been there the whole time. He looked away toward the windows hoping to disguise the burning in his eyes as well. ?Take this slave to the slave quarters and have every male slave in the house fuck him.? Artimus attention snapped back to Balthos and he stared at him in. She busied herself washing the breakfast dishes as the two men moved their kit in to the front room. As Terry put the piping down he looked at Bob, "You know she ain't a bad looking woman, wonder what got her stuck with a nasty shit like Charlie Carpenter?"Bob was busy with a tape measure, "Some woman like to be dominated, and I'll tell you this I wouldn't mind clipping her one."Terry put his hand up the chimney, "Oh yes, nice body, good tits, shapely ass, take those glasses off and she would. "Humans, as well as nearly every living organism here, need oxygen to survive. Even sunlight is vital, as are all the elements. There are things to sustain everything, from plant life all the way up to omnivores." I take it, then, that the Demon realms are different?" I asked, getting up for a drink and bringing him one, too."Yes and no," he took a long drink and sighed. "Our realms provide us with what we need to live." I looked at him blankly. "Life essence, my dear child. It is in.
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