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I pulled on my blouse and closed it. There were two buttons on the left side that held it closed. Then I drew on my pencil skirt. I rolled it twice at the waistband to make it extra short and show off so much of my thigh. It barely hid my ass.I smiled at the effect. I put on a pair of black pumps and felt transformed. I was an office daddy's girl now.Of course, I took a selfie and put it up on Instagram. While I waited on my Uber, the comments exploded.“You're dad is going to bend you over and. It’s so wonderful to be well again. I didn’t know what to think when that garlic dove suppository was first recommended to me by a medical professional. I mean who would think that pealing away the outer skin of a clove of garlic without cutting or nicking the garlic clove then inserting it into the vagina for half a day…” Suddenly the phone rang. “Hello” said Liz Erd“Hello Liz Erd, this is Lemon Jizzwhistle” said the voice on the phone. “Oh Lemon!” gushed Liz Erd, “I’m so glad you. It was labeled an 'adult party' and the half dozen company employees and their spouses were there without any children. I was thankful for that because I had every intention of turning this into my farewell party.When I got the chance, I went out to my truck. I picked up what I figured I'd need for a 'visual aid.' I suspected they'd ask me to give some kinda speech and I wanted to make it memorable. I stuck my Glock 9mm into the back of my jeans and made sure it wasn't noticeable under my. She shuddered. "Come on you guys are sucking too hard. "Maybe white girl wants us to suck something else." the native said as he reached for the zipper of her cargo shorts. He undid the snap after the zipper and they dropped down her large hips to the ground. Her panties followed. They raised her feet and took them off.The man got on his knees and started to lick my wife's hair red bush. "Oh fuck! What are you guys going to make me do next?" What the did was make her orgasm several times.
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