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You take his place, looking down at my naked body on the table, at my heavy breasts in repose and my pink, swollen labia showing through my damp, matted pubes. Gently, you push a finger inside. Paul is right. I'm wetter than you have ever known. The inside of my cunt is so slick with juice that there is almost no friction on your finger. "Ian," says Paul, "I need a taste of that."You step aside again. Paul kneels with his head between my spread legs. I whisper to you, "Come and watch, darling.". The plane was due to crash before it even took off. All I did was making sure you would be on it." But..." No time for that." she interrupted him. The plane was now vibrating as if it was about to desintegrate. "As I said, you can still save your own life. All you need to do is sign your name in your own blood on any sufrace." You mean... It's a demonic pact? I would sell my soul?" he asked nervously."Oh, don't be so dramatic. With all your misbehavings since your last confession years ago, did. . and Cyn ... being Cyn ... had worn out our welcome ... and now she had recently finished a “medical condition” necessitating several weeks of “remedial shots.”Cyn had recovered from the clap. Several officers were mentioned during the interview taken after she tested positive and there were a few officers wives who weren’t happy. Like ... an even dozen.The 661nm five day sail from Osaka to Okinawa had left Cyn with an itch she needed scratched ... and scratch it she did. That resulted in the. As her orgasm subsides, we collapse onto the sofa.When her eyes finally open, Gretchen looks down at my cock, which is as hard as ever. "Your turn," she whispers to me, motioning toward my erection."My turn for what?" I asked naively, although I have a pretty good idea what she has in mind."To show me how you do it, Silly," she replies. "How you make yourself cum."Up to this point, no one had ever seen me jerk off. At least, not that I knew about. But I can't deny Gretchen, so with my cheeks.
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