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” He turned onto the trail and began walking toward me. About half way to me he grabbed his cock through his shorts and gave it a massage. He continued walking toward me and I stayed on my knees. I now found myself in the woods, wearing my pink panties and camisole waiting for his cock. He got to me and I said, “I was wondering if you needed anything?” He just said, “Fuck yeah” then reached down and pulled his shorts down, his cock springing free. I’ve had black cock before but his was amazing.. "Shit!" he cried out closing his legs trying to stop the flow but beingunfamiliar with his body, he kept going. In a frantic flurry, he twistedhimself around and sat on the toilet only getting the last of it in thebowl. He sat there utterly humiliated with his soaked pants at his feet.With another string of expletives he cleaned himself up as best he couldand pulled his wet pants off and tossed them in the washing machine alongwith the rest of the dirty laundry. He had already pulled off his. I did it accordingly and after about 2 hours, I could hear sandhya calling me to join them for dinner. As I was about to step out of the room, I could see the kitchen doorway and to my surprise I saw sandhya who was wearing a nighty bent over the sink washing a bowl and vinod standing near her seeing me step out beckoned me to go back to the room and watch through the crack of the door. I saw him go behind her and embrace. She turned and tried to push him and was rapidly looking at my door as. "Kandace!" he says frustrated. He gets off me.I scamper off the bed to the bathroom. I dampen a washcloth and clean up. The action causes more sperm to come out but since I'm in the act of cleaning it's no big deal.I come back out."What is wrong with you?" He sounds annoyed."I just don't like when it leaks out. There's nothing wrong with that. Once it comes out of my pussy, I need to clean up." You're compulsive. Other girls don't care. Other girls suck dick." Is that what this is about? That I.
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