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“I love you giving it to me large!” she whispered again, thrusting her hips into Allan’s. He smiled and leaned forward, kissing her tenderly. Hell, she was so fucking horny! “I bet you say that to all the guys!” Allan jested, his voice throaty. “You bet your life!” Beth retorted. She had never been unfaithful to Allan and she had no intention of starting, yet she knew the dirty talk aroused him, accentuated his sensations and gave him stronger climaxes. In fairness, it did a fair bit for her. I saw him poke his head in for a moment, soon after closing the door, ensuring that it latched this time. After he had done that, he then walked over and stood next to me as I finished things up with the woman. He waited for a moment until she'd left the store."Miss Jackson? I'm going to send someone down to relieve you, as soon as they do, would you please see me in my office?" He asked.All I could do was nod my head, doing so even as my two horny, "just fired me," customers meekly walked out,. He put on his fast draw rig, and donned the Crocodile Dundee hat last. He quietly exited the room. He noticed that both bathtubs were parked at the end of the hallway. He gave a knowing nod of his head and turned down the hallway.He was just coming down the stair when a drama unfolded in front of him. There was a lone gunman at the front desk. He had his gun pointed at the clerk. The clerk was facing the safe, nervously fiddling with the combination lock. Bob silently drew his Colt and eased. "I repeated the question in a whisper she could barely hear, but the softness of my voice made it clear that I wanted an answer."Sara." How old are you" Fourteen." Open up, Sara, and do it right."She opened her mouth and I shoved my cock in as far as possible, blocking her throat and going partly into it. She gagged, but breathed through her nose. This little Sara was no amateur; she knew how to suck cock, even in fear. Maybe it was just instinct, maybe it was something she learned at home..
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